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Collaborative Tourism Promotion (CTP) grant funds may be used for event start-up costs to outside agencies; new marketing campaigns or expanded advertising for a new element of an existing event; or travel expenses to submit proposals to host events, conferences, and trade shows. The funds shall not be used for wages or benefits.

How are funds allocated?

Approved funding comes from Transient Lodging Tax (TLT) revenues as authorized under Finance Policy #F-12-12-001, Transient Lodging Tax Policy as currently adopted or as amended by the Albany City Council, to be used for an appropriate governmental purpose.

The CTP fund is managed by the City’s Tourism Advisory Committee.  Funding requests may come from or through any recipient organization or outside organization.  Funding requests must be supported by a majority of the Committee.

How does the funding request process work?


Funding request applications

  1. cannot be more than five pages; and
  2. must be submitted to:
    Jennifer Wehr
    Economic Development Program Coordinator
    333 Broadalbin Street SW
    P.O. Box 490
    Albany, OR 97321

Grant amount requested

  1. If less than $10,000: attach at least one written vendor quotation.
  2. If $10,000 or more: attach a minimum of three written vendor quotations.

The Tourism Advisory Committee makes the final determination of whether or not funding requests are approved.

Grant Payment

Grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis upon submittal of invoices and proofs of payment (canceled checks and/or receipts) for those expenditures outlined in the application to the City of Albany and approved by the Tourism Advisory Committee.

Event/Activity Written Report

After the event/activity, a final written report must be submitted to the City. The report needs to include the following: description of how CTP grant funds were of benefit to your event/activity; any relevant financial reporting; attendance figures, attendee comments, or questionnaire responses; description of the impact on local businesses (if determinable); examples of media features and exposure; and any additional information that helps to illustrate the success of the event/activity.

The program is currently funded at $50,000 per year.

Applications will be due by December 15, 2024, for consideration of the remaining funds in the cycle. All reimbursement requests must be submitted and spent by June 30, 2025.


If you have questions about the application, process, etc., you can contact Jennifer Wehr at 541-791-0180 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Economic Development


 333 Broadalbin SW

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