Administration and Miscellaneous- Policies related to the administration of the City and general City Council functions.
Citizen Advisory Groups- Policies applicable to volunteer-based groups that are advisory to the City Council.
Community Development (Planning and Building)- Policies related to the authority, objectives, and requirements of the Planning and Building Divisions, which oversee development within the Albany city limits.
Emergency Services (Fire and Police)- Policies related to the responsibility, authority, and missions of the Fire and Police Departments.
Fee Schedules- Rates, fines, fees for service, system development charges (SDCs), permit fees, and special connection charges for various City of Albany services of the Finance, Fire, Library, Parks & Recreation, Community Development (Planning and Building), and Public Works Departments.
Finance- Policies related to Finance Department functions including City investments, risk management, budgeting and banking authority, and records information management.
Parks & Recreation- Policies related to the effective management of the City's park resources and recreational activities of the community.
Personnel- Policies related to City employee compensation and benefits and the City's expectation for employee commitment and excellence.
Public Works- Policies related to the administration and operation of the City's water, sewer, stormwater, streets, transportation, and transit systems.